Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Construction of Adolescence

Nakkula and Toshalis discussed The Construction of Adolescence on how it plays a role in adults and teens. Education, is discussed in the article and how it can affect youth. Adults can influence the youth either in a positive or negative way. Adults who set an influential pathway for teens will help them to be a part of coauthor is his or her life. However, looking back at my youth and even today, the ten people that I would choose that I feel that has a part of coauthoring in my life would be:

4.Poyfy (boyfriend)
5.Mr. Jackson (h.s guidance counselor)
10.Ana(family friend)

These ten people all had a major role in my life. Growing up each and every single one supported. My family, however is not my educator but, they played a huge role in coauthoring my life. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be where I am today. My mother, dad and sister was always there for me every step of the way. They never though about giving up on me. Everyone has their own life story. So, growing up throughout the years from child to adolescence I was a difficult individual they had to deal with. The person that I always wanted to be like when I grew up was my sister. Nicole was always the one that I would look up to and go to for advice if my mom wasn't around. I felt more comfortable talking to her about anything. When it came to academics I just felt that she was more knowledgeable and more intelligent that myself. There was a point in time that she would always push me to be better and had more faith in me than myself. She would challenge me to do better and always encourage me as well. My sister would always tell me that I can do anything that I put my mind to and to focus and just think positive and not negative. Nicole is a very compassionate person, she has been my role model and my inspiration. Even today she has still been there for me. Over the years we have grown closer to one another, even though she is miles away from me, we have established a more loving, closer relationship than before.  

List of vocabulary words:
  • Pathalogized
  • Theoretical
  • Tested Knowledge
  • Construction of Adolescence
  • Interpsychological Development
  • Scaffolding
  • Zone of Proximal Development
  • Reciprocal Transformation
  • Matters of Interpretation
  • Meeting of the minds

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A World Where Youth Hold the Power

Youth in Action gives the opportunity for young people to be able to express themselves in a positive way and change their environment. I agree with the style of youth engagement. I think that it is very important to allow youth to express their feelings and have their opinion on different inputs. With such roles and responsibilities for the youth to have like decision making skills, it can help them have a better understanding of their community and environment. It is sad to say that some adults think that because of someone's age that they have no knowledge or they may not know what there talking about. From my experiences as a teenager, I cant remember if I had any contribution towards the inputs of my school environment or around my community.

Youth and Action model the notion of "Leading with.." by showing that the youth are the leaders, that they are in charge and collaborating with one another. Social change is the main focus in this nonprofit organization. In the article, many of the YIA students share their personal stories of how they fought for their voices to be heard and acknowledged by others. Being part of YIA it has allowed the students to voice out their opinions and standing up for themselves in society as well as making a social change a reality in society. I think that it is very important to give the youth an opportunity to express and share their stories and individual struggles so that way you as an individual can work with them on how to go about solving their issue and finding solutions that they are comfortable with.

Ted Talk

In the ted talk, Mellody Hobson: Color blind or Color brave, Hobson discusses the issue of race. She begins the talk by sharing her own story of when she was seven years old and went to a birthday and was the only black person. Her mother questioned her and said, How did they treat you? She didn't really understand why someone would treat her differently. Hobson cited several statistics which included white men who make up 30% of the U.S population, they hold 70% of all corporate board seats. She was mistaken as a kitchen help, because she was the only black women when she arrived at a reception in the U.S Congress.  In my own personal experience, I remember at one of my jobs as a older teenager I was the only colored person. I felt out of place and a bit uncomfortable. It made me wonder and really think like why there were no colored people besides myself. I also have other experiences where in situations I felt like I wasn't able to express my feelings because I would be judged because of my skin color.

I agree with Mellody when she begins explaining about colorblindness not meaning there is no racial discrimination or fairness. It is important to not avoid race and to deal with it head on. Recognizing and embracing all races is important. I feel that it is important to express your opinion and share your personal experiences and "to get comfortable with the uncomfortable", like Hobson states in her talk.

As an environment like Youth and Action, the youth are encouraged to share their person life experiences and creating change in their environments. They also have the opportunity to interact with people of different diversity backgrounds and being able to express their opinions about issues of race without having fear of being judged about it. It is important for youth to understand this as well.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Who Am I?

My name is Mallory Moniz.
I am 23 years young and I am from Pawtucket, Rhode Island. I am a Youth Development Major with a minor in Psychology. Previous to that I have completed my Associates Degree at CCRI in general studies. When I am not in class I am usually working or spending tine with my boyfriend and family. I have a full-time job as a Behavioral Specialist for West Bay and part-time as a Pharmacy Technician at Rite Aid. Growing up I always wanted to work with children. At first, I thought I wanted to become a teacher then a nurse. However, it didn't go as planned but, I still am interested in working with the youth.

My Beautiful Family<3

Class of 2015
Cape Verde Islands